Get your pen and paper and watch this webinar recording if you have never attended our live training session on "3 Steps To Create And Sell Profitable Online Courses "
Video Time Stamps:
Million dollar course formula: starts at 00:08':44"
3 Steps to create profitable online courses: starts at 00:16':29"
Client case studies: starts at 01:13':25" 
Ultimate Course Formula program details: Starts at 01:18':40"
Registration Will Close In
In Six Weeks Discover Step-By-Step
 How to Sell, Rent, or License Your Intellectual Property & Content, 
to Businesses, Corporations and Organizations

This Masterclass will show you how to find deals, land contracts, and work with big-fish clients.

Here's a breakdown of the entire program:

By the end of this Program you will be able to:

  •  Identify the intellectual property you already have, that can immediately generate income
  • Target and reach companies ready to buy what you have
  • Follow each step from selecting your IP to signing the deal
  • Outline your offer and design proposals that get accepted
  • Use your current relationships to put your IP in front of thousands or tens of thousands of people you would never otherwise reach
  • Create an additional six-figure income stream with just a few clients
  • How to charge top dollar for your content and IP
I'm ready to Sell, Rent, and License my IP and content, generate income, and connect with bigger clients.
I understand that I'm getting access to a one time offer worth over $16,500 of training for a very low investment.

This offer is available for a limited time and can be taken down any minute.
Component #1: 6 Weekly Live Masterclasses ($3,997 Value)
Session 1 – Understanding IP
  • Content vs. IP… packages, programs, products vs. parts and pieces
  • 3 Plays, 3 Ways…3 ways to make IP money
  • Assess… select 3 viable IP assets
Session 2 – Targeting an Audience
  • Determine… your WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHERE, HOW, WHEN
  • Discover… your Unique Service Advantage™
  • Develop… a "Rejection Proof" proposition
Session 3 – Making Contact
  • Approach… get discovered, be introduced, get recommended
  • Purpose… provide value, talk solution, share a BIG Idea
  • Method… how to contact, approach and secure a meeting
Session 4 – Conducting a Meeting
  • Get Alignment… set agenda, determine outcome, build trust
  • Get Agreement… what they want, why, how and when
  • Gain Commitment… customer is ready, willing, and able to act now
Session 5 – Converting a Client
  • Clarify… solidify deal points, start date, duration, ROI
  • Recommend a solution… match your product, piece, or part
  • Collaborate… create a proposal that gets accepted
Session 6 – Agreement Secrets
  • Pricing… getting paid for project, value, and experience
  • Receiving payment… defining terms, timing, and transfer
  • Commencement… set your start date
Component #2: Lifetime access to all session recordings ($1997 Value)
You get complete access to all of the trainings so that you can go back and review them anytime you want.

This is especially helpful so you can remain on track even if you can’t attend one of the classes live.

Component #3: Access to the Private ULM Facebook group ($297 Value)
There is no reason for you to be on your own.
Ultimate Licensing Masterclass is all about being part of a success minded community of content creators eager to capitalize their intellectual property.

We are here for you!

As soon as you join Ultimate Licensing Masterclass, you will be added to our exclusive private online support community where you can ask questions, get suggestions, and find encouragement along your journey.

Component #4: IP Asset Inventory Worksheet ($297 Value) 
Use this worksheet to identify, inventory, and select your most valuable IP assets.

This will help you to find and create opportunities to get in front of decision makers, hook “big fish” clients, and create new streams of income from the ideas and content you already have at your disposal.

Bonus #1: Secrets to Hook the Big Fish  ($2,497 Value)
Are you excited by the thought of working with a large client--one that could potentially be worth a million dollars or more?

The truth is it is not much different getting into a large company than a small or medium-sized business.

Big Fish companies want your IP and have the money to invest in it.

Most people don't have the skill experience or comfort, therefore fewer people pursue large clients.

Turn decision makers into advocates so you can catch the big fish faster and easier.

Bonus #2: The Money Talk  ($2,497 Value)
Many IP holders get stuck when it comes to discussing money.

They aren't sure the real value of their IP. They often tend to undercharge rather than over charge.

This coaching will remove any reservation or hesitation you have to talk about money.

You'll stop trading hours for dollars and get paid for the value you bring and not the time you work.

You'll know how to price your IP and value yourself at the highest level.
Why most people struggle with creating their online courses?
Although you know that you should take your knowledge and message online and sell it through online courses, like many other experts you  get overwhelmed with so many moving parts that are involved.

Many experts are concerned whether or not :
  •     They can sell their course after spending months of work producing the content
  •     They can create a course that brings actual results to their customers
  •     They can figure out the technology or find experts who have the required experience without costing them an arm and a leg
  •     They can find affiliates to send potential clients to their sales page
  •     They can succeed without having a mailing list or being known in their market
That is until you get access to Ultimate Course Formula
During this 8 week step by step system, you will have only 1 homework every week that will take about 4 hours to complete.
You will have a sense of certainty that...

  •     You are creating an amazing course for your tribe
  •     You create a course aligned with your customer demand
  •     You create a course that your customers will invest in to get access to and change their lives
  •     You create a course that influential people want to promote to their mailing lists and refer clients to you
  •     You will position yourself as the "Go To Expert" in your field
  •     You will be able to increase the value of your services and products ,and increase your prices as a result
I'm ready to Sell, Rent, and License my IP and content, generate income, and connect with bigger clients.
I understand that I'm getting access to a one time offer worth over $16,500 of training for a very low investment.

This offer is available for a limited time and can be taken down any minute.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We are so sure you’ll be happy with your purchase that we offer a “30-Day Money-Back Guarantee” to ensure customer satisfaction of our training programs. Simply contact us if for any reason you feel this is not the best investment you have made in your business and we will promptly issue a refund.
If you want to...

Have Greater Impact and Make a Bigger Difference
 Get Paid What Your    Really  Worth
Turn Your Content into Cashflow
Ultimate Licensing Formula Masterclass will enable you to...
  • Get paid again for content you’ve already created
  • Use a proven process that gets results
  • Master a unique skill that will pay off forever
  • Leverage your IP to create passive and recurring income
  • Get paid what you're Really worth!
What Experts say about Ultimate Licensing Masterclass...

Dr.  Dung Trinh 

Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author, Health Educator

“I applied Mitch’s unique approach to asking leading questions and presenting solutions to a client’s pain points, and after just one meeting they awarded me a contract for $260,000.

I also followed his suggestions on my content marketing and lead generation. I’m doing the same Zoom health education lectures I’ve always done. Instead of presenting all my material in one lecture, Mitch recommended I break it down to one topic at a time.

I’m now getting a lot more leads per lecture. With our business model, each person that voluntarily participates in our clinical research program is worth six figures of revenue to our organization. Thank you Mitch!”

Lawrence J. Clark, Ph.D.

CEO at The Communication Leader, LLC

“I had been working a major Chamber of Commerce for almost a year with little success. After one meeting with Mitch I wrote a proposal based on our conversation. 

Within two weeks I received approval for a 6-week business training series that was promoted to over 3,000 Chamber members for several weeks before and during the training at no expense to me! 

This series has since led to several other work, including training with a credit union for which I am in discussions to rent my IP.

With Mitch's excellent expert advise, I was able to meet my client's needs in a way that has become a win-win situation for all.”    

Felicia J. Slattery, M.A., M.Ad.Ed.

Author, Kill the Elevator Speech

“Mitch has really opened my eyes to a new way of working and finding clients. He always has a twist on doing things that's different than I would have ever considered. He’s supportive, knowledgeable, and fun to work with.

“Corporate clients are entirely different than private clients. Mitch has been awesome at helping me understand the mindset and clarify the process. I highly recommend Mitch Axelrod!“

Brian Tracy 

Renowned Speaker, Author

“My good friend Mitch Axelrod is one of the foremost authorities in the United States today. Mitch has trained more than 1,000,000 people on peak performance. His technique, method and process are responsible for boosting more people into the ranks top 10% than almost any other trainer alive today.”

Shirley Dalton

Australia’s Systemizer™ ,TV Show Host, Untrapped Entrepreneur 

“Your mentoring resulted in a $30,000 assignment in the first month. Without your help I would not have had the courage, the structure or the words. 
I got a big financial return on investment working with you. I got an even bigger lift in my courage, confidence, competence and commitment. Your advice, counsel and mentoring have transformed my business and changed my life.”

John Assaraf 

 Best Selling Author, Founder of Praxis Now, featured in movies “The Secret” and “Pass It On!”

“After Mitch’s one hour clinic, a woman reported that she inked a $140,000 contract as a direct result of what Mitch discussed!”

Julie Donnelly 

Author, Stop Back Pain Fast

“ONE conversation with Mitch more than paid for his fee several times over actually! He saved me from a very bad publishing deal. Mitch has given me wonderful ways to license my IP and really creative ways to market. Mitch was one of the best things that happened this year.”

Robert Ian 

Author, How to Identify, Conquer and Master Change!

“Mitch, what you shared with me in the morning I converted into results this afternoon. With your input, I landed a five-figure commitment from my client. Working together less than one week and already I got many times my investment back. I intend to earn a lot more. Thanks.” 

Brad Costanzo

Author, Podcaster

“I wrote a book and didn't have a single person buy it, so I made a deal with another author to license his name and brand. He promoted it to his customers and it became a #1 bestseller. His audience got an incredible book, he didn't have to do any work, plus he got monthly income. I retained 80% of the royalties.
This is just one way I’ve licensed my IP. As my mentor Mitch opened my eyes to see what’s possible.”

And if You Are Just Getting Started...  

With Ultimate Licensing Masterclass you will discover how to create whole new 
revenue streams  by selling, renting, and licensing your intellectual property and content.

Too many experts, authors, consultants, and content creators
 who try to do this on their own can’t:

  • Get in front of decision makers
  • Capitalize and monetize opportunities 
  • ​Close deals because they don’t know how to negotiate
  • ​Negotiate, write, and structure contracts
  • ​Protect their content and IP from theft 
  • ​See a clear path to get started or what to do next

That's why Ultimate Licensing Masterclass is the only training of its kind that shows you how to Sell, Rent and License your IP and Content. 

I'm ready to Sell, Rent, and License my IP and content, Generate Income, and Connect with Bigger Clients.
I understand that I'm getting access to a one time offer worth over $16,500 of training for a very low investment.

This offer is available for a limited time and can be taken down any minute.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We are so sure you’ll be happy with your purchase that we offer a “30-Day Money-Back Guarantee” to ensure customer satisfaction of our training programs. Simply contact us if for any reason you feel this is not the best investment you have made in your business and we will promptly issue a refund.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Ultimate Licensing Masterclass for?
This training is for you if you want to:
You want to turn your existing content and IP into new sources of income.
You want to meet with decision makers in companies.
You want a simple system to secure contracts with businesses and companies.

Are there any limits to my access to this course?
You can access Ultimate Licensing Masterclass from any device with an internet access.
Our online training center is accessible through all smart phones, computers and tablet devices.
Who is this training not for?
This program is not for people who are looking for "get rich quick schemes". This program is not for people who are looking to only make transactions rather than building their net worth through their IP.  If your only value is to make money and don't care about quality of their intellectual assets.

Will I receive any physical products?
No, the entire content of Ultimate Licensing Masterclass is digital.
You will receive the document and templates as PDF and Docx files and all the videos will be accessible through our state of the art online training center.
 How fast can I get results ?
If you follow the steps in the program and do the home work, it is possible to create and sell your IP assets in 90 days or less.
However, as like any program we can't guarantee your results.  
I have a question but it hasn't been answered yet... 
Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions that are not already answered on this page.

I look forward to working with you, walking you through the process of taking the ideas in your head and turning them into intellectual property that can turn into money and amazing opportunities for you. 

~Mitch Axelrod - Creator of Ultimate Licensing FormulaTM
I'm ready to Sell, Rent, and License my IP and content, Generate Income, and Connect with Bigger Clients.
I understand that I'm getting access to a one time offer worth over $16,500 of training for a very low investment.

This offer is available for a limited time and can be taken down any minute.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We are so sure you’ll be happy with your purchase that we offer a “30-Day Money-Back Guarantee” to ensure customer satisfaction of our training programs. Simply contact us if for any reason you feel this is not the best investment you have made in your business and we will promptly issue a refund.